The European Hiking village Altrei is a tranquil village at an altitude of 1,209 m on the border between South Tyrol and Trentino. It is the only German speaking community in Val di Fiemme. The next village along is Capriana in the Province of Trento. The small mountain village of Altrei nestles picturesquely in the Monte Corno nature park. Around 400 inhabitants live in Altrei in an area of 11 square kilometres.

Anterivo was first mentioned in the records in 1321 as “Antereu”. Then, the judge and guardian of Neumarkt/Egna - registered as “Gotschalk von Bozen”, received permission from the Count of Tirol to set up ten farms in the county of Fiemme. This collection of farms later became today’s Anterivo. The ten fields on the municipal coat of arms alternating in black and silver, still point to that.

Anterivo is south-facing and therefore benefits from an ideal climate despite its altitude. The vegetation impresses with wetlands, moors, meadows, woods and vineyards. Anterivo also benefits from being situated in the heart of the Monte Corno nature park, itself the nature park in South Tyrol with the most biodiversity.
A special plant is Lupinus Pilus, the blue lupin, better known as “Anterivo coffee”. It’s neither coffee nor a coffee bean, but a coffee substitute that is drunk mixed with barley and wheat. Lupins are also used in the production of beer and schnaps.

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