Playground S. Giuseppe/St. Josef

Market Square 8
39052 Caldaro/Kaltern
General description

Kaltern counts many different places that are especially reserved for children to play. The playground in S. Giuseppe al lago for example has lots of attractions for the little ones: a sandbox, a slide, a climbing frame as well as a swing and a basketball court. A wonderful area where children can play and have lots of fun.

Opening hours: every afternoon, outside class hours, also in the morning.

Description to arrive at destination

The playground of S. Giuseppe al Lago is located right next to the district’s elementary school.

By car: Take the wine road towards  S. Giuseppeal lago. Once you reach it, take the first road on your right (between the Sonnleitenhof and the Rösslhof) and right after the first road left.

By public transportation: Regular bus connections from Kaltern to S. Giuseppe al lago. From the bus stop, the playground can be easily reached also by foot. At the following link you will find the current timetable:

Opening hours playground: yearlong
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