Space for Art

Space for Art

9:00 AM
Breakfast in the historical centre of Neumarkt/Egna – a delicious cappuccino and a tasty croissant at one of the numerous cafés. Neumarkt is part of the most beautiful villages of Italy (“Borghi più belli d’Italia).
10:00 AM
Logo Kunstforum Unterland
Kunstforum Unterland – an Art Hotspot of the village. The art exhibitions change every month
11:30 AM
The train to Bolzano leaves every half hour from Salorno/Salurn, Naumarkt/Egna and Auer/Ora stations.
2:00 PM
Lauben in Bozen
Exploring the historical centre: from Piazza Walther/Waltherplatz with its spectacular dome to the arcades, the Via Museo/Museumstraße and the Piazza Erbe/Obstplatz with numerous shops, bars and cafés.
Guestnet Südtirols Süden
Guestnet Südtirols Süden
The new digital guest guide
Winter Wonderland
Winter Wonderland
From relaxed winter hiking to thrilling slope adventures.
Castelfeder sulla Strada del Vino Soc. Coop. a r. l.
Piazza Principale 5
39040 Auer / Ora
Südtirol/Alto Adige - Italy
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