Grave Mrs. Emma Hellensteiner

Bahnhofstraße 3
39039 Niederdorf / Villabassa
General description
Emma Hellensteiner (23 April 1818 - 9 March 1904)

Emma Hellenstainer was a charismatic host, an excellent cook and a pioneer for tourism in the Alpine region. The “Schwarzer Adler” (Black Eagle), as the Hotel Emma was known then, became known far beyond the country’s borders. Her charm captivated guests from all over the world. Visitors from Germany, Great Britain, Italy - they all came to Villabassa because of the beautiful local landscape, but mainly because of Emma and her engaging personality.
Recommended season
The best family-tips for your holiday
The best family-tips for your holiday
Holiday time is family time: the holiday region Bolzano and environs offers lots to do for families with children and teenagers.
Südtirol Bolzano
Via Pillhof 1
Frangarto (Bolzano) Südtirol/Alto Adige - Italy